Did you know that the operating procedure for importing telecommunications products (ANATEL) became compulsory on 12/27/2021?

Did you know that the operating procedure for importing telecommunications products (ANATEL) became compulsory on 12/27/2021?

This applies to importers of telecommunications products.

Said operational procedure, attached to Act No. 4521 of June 21, 2021, establishes conditions for the importation of products for telecommunications with mandatory homologation by Anatel, with the following purposes:

a) Importation of homologated products for use and commercialization;

  1. b) Importation of products for personal use;
  2. c) Importation of product samples for conformity assessment purposes; and
  3. d) Importation of products for demonstration purposes.

    Homologation is a prerequisite for using and selling telecommunications products in the country, with the need for homologation before importation for those listed in the Reference List of Telecommunications Products, subject to the following hypotheses:

    a) samples for testing purposes for conformity assessment;

  4. b) products that do not emit radiofrequency, in transit or temporarily in the country, intended for demonstration, exhibition, the survey of characteristics, or other purposes.
  5. c) products covered by Temporary Spectrum Use permits;
  6. d) products covered by Special Service for Scientific and Experimental Purposes permits; or
  7. e) products imported for use or consumption in the industrialization of products to be exported, provided they are admitted under a special customs regime instituted for this purpose.

    Other information:

    Importation of homologated products for marketing purposes:

    Which companies is this allowed for? [Allowed only to the homologation applicant or by an entity authorized by the homologation applicant]

    Need to identify the homologation before entering into the country, from when? [According to Act No. 5701 of July 29, 2021, as of 07/30/2022]

    Import for personal use:

    What is the characterization of products for personal use? [It is considered for personal use the importation of products in quantity and frequency that are compatible with their purpose and do not characterize trading. ]

    Specific regulation applied? [The importation of a telecommunications product for personal use through postal delivery or express delivery is subject to verification as to compliance with regulation according to Ordinance No. 839 of June 12, 2020. ]

    Importation of product samples for conformity assessment purposes:

    As a Certification Body Designed by Anatel, NCC OCD can help you with these issues! Contact us!

    How many samples can I import? [The number of imported samples shall be consistent with the technical requirements and test procedures established by ANATEL for assessing the conformity of the product. ]

    How is the release of importing samples by the competent authority for conformity assessment purposes? [The release of importing samples by the competent authority to conduct conformity assessment tests will be given upon presentation of a contract or proposal signed between the importer and a Certification Body Designated by Anatel or a Testing Laboratory authorized by Anatel whose object specify the certification activity of the imported product and the number of samples required for laboratory tests. ]

    Specific regulation applied? [The importation of product samples to assess conformity through postal delivery or express delivery is subject to verification as to compliance with regulation according to Ordinance No. 839 of June 12, 2020.]

    Importation of radio frequency emitting products for demonstration purposes:

    If the radiofrequency emitting product is not homologated, is there a need for prior authorization from Anatel for its importation for use in the national territory? [Yes, the use in the country for only demonstration purposes (products covered by Temporary Spectrum Use permits a product covered by Special Service for Scientific and Experimental Purposes permits) depends on prior authorization from Anatel. ]

    Specific regulation applied? [Resolution No. 635, of May 9, 2014, approves the Regulation on Temporary Use of Radiofrequencies Permit.]

    !!! Alert!!! In cases where this is required, the importation, sale, and use of non-approved telecommunications products are subject to sanctions as established in the Regulation of Conformity Assessment and Homologation of Telecommunications Products. 

Click here to learn more.

Temporary Spectrum Use Permits.

Resolution No. 635, of May 9, 2014, approves the Regulation on Temporary Use of Radiofrequencies Permit

Ordinance No. 839, of June 12, 2020: Establishes guidelines regarding verifying the telecommunication product concerning the sector’s regulation in areas controlled by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB). Process No. 53500.032381/2019-30:  Anatel – Ordinance No. 839, of June 12, 2020

Source: https://informacoes.anatel.gov.br/legislacao/atos-de-certificacao-de-produtos/2021/1566-ato-4521