A water cooler or water purifier? How to check for improvements in water quality

When buying a product for your home, which one would be better: a water cooler or a water purifier?

NCC can explain it to you!

A water cooler is an equipment that can be electric or electronic, with a hose connected to the hydraulic network or to a gallon of water (by gravity).

The water purifier is a piece of equipment connected through a hose to the hydraulic network that has filters that improve water quality and are generally not electrical or electronic.

We point out that a water cooler can have the water purifier in the same equipment, thus delivering water at different temperatures (natural, cold, or hot) and improving water quality.

And what quality improvements would those be?

The manufacturer can choose which improvements the filter will make, among them particle retention efficiency, free chlorine reduction efficiency, and bacteriological efficiency. In addition to these, all filters that propose to improve water quality must be submitted to microbiological level control tests (proof of the device’s ability to inhibit or limit the development of bacteria) and extractable (proof of any substance that migrates to the water in contact with the construction materials of the appliance and which can be extracted for analytical purposes).

And how do you know what water quality improvement this water cooler/purifier has? The manufacturer specifies on the ENCE label, like the one below:


See that the improvement must be informed in the square in red. If not, it will be reported as “no improvement in free chlorine reduction,” “no particle retention,” and/or “no bacteriological efficiency.”


NCC certifies products for water consumption that must comply with ordinances No. 344 of 2014 and No. 394 of 2014. The products must have this ENCE label, guaranteeing that the water coolers and water purifiers are certified. Demand quality and health! Demand certified equipment!

The material is subject to amendment(s) in case of change in the ordinance(s). Published: 4/13/2021