
NCC NEWS | Extension of the validity period of the instructions contained in Official Letters 134/2020, 194/2020, and 646/2020 (COVID-19)

Prezado(a) Senhor(a),

Segue abaixo o Ofício 65/2021/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL “Considerando a permanência do estado emergência de saúde pública de preocupação internacional, decorrente do coronavírus (COVID-19), fica prorrogado o prazo estabelecido no item 1 do Ofício nº 646/2020/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL, para 31 de dezembro de 2021.”

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Extension of the period of validity of the instructions contained in the Official Letter 134/2020, 194/2020 e 646/2020 (COVID-19)

Attachment follows Official Letter 65/2021 /ORCN / SOR-ANATEL “Considering the permanence of the public health emergency state of international concern, resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19), the term established in item 1 of Official Letter 646/2020 /ORCN / SOR-ANATEL, for December 31, 2021. ”

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