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NCC NEWS | Information on ALL NEWS, which affect applicants, regulations for the Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Products brought by the new ACTS of operational procedures issued by Anatel in 2020, which become mandatory as of 01/26/2021 for the Anatel Certification and Homologation process

O OCD NCC compilou para vocês, nossos clientes, estas novidades de forma pioneira para que possam ter uma visão geral das mudanças relacionadas aos requerentes da certificação e homologação!
Toda a equipe NCC está preparada para tirar todas as dúvidas e questionamentos que vieram a surgir!

Clique aqui para acessar o conteúdo na íntegra:
Resumo dos novos atos de procedimentos operacionais emitidos pela Anatel em 2020

Aproveitamos para desejar-lhes um FELIZ NATAL e um 2021 repleto de saúde e benção!
Abraços a todos, Time NCC!
Information on ALL NEWS, which affect applicants, regulations for the Conformity Assessment of Telecommunication Products brought by the new operating procedure ACTS issued by Anatel in 2020, which will become mandatory from January 26, 2020 for the Anatel certification and approval process.

Please, check below all modifications done by ANATEL through the new published ATOS. Some of them will come into force in January 26th, 2021.
The OCD NCC has compiled this pioneering news for you, our customers, so you can have an overview of the changes related to certification and homologation applicants!
The entire NCC team is prepared to take all the doubts and questions that came up!

Click here to access the full content:
Summary of new acts of operational procedures issued by Anatel in 2020

We take the opportunity to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a 2021 full of health and blessing!
Hugs to all, Team NCC!