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NCC’s differential is competence and technical experience in all conformity assessment activities, considering the quality, safety, and performance of Smartworld devices and electronic equipment.


IECEx certification: International IEC system for assessing the conformity of “Ex” equipment and services.

How the process works:

  1. Request the IECEx form for NCC Certificações;
  2. Send the completed IECEx form to NCC Certificações, and our team will contact you if they need any further information;
  3. NCC will evaluate the information and establish the certification conditions according to IECEx rules, and the commercial proposal will be sent;
  4. After starting the process, NCC will request the relevant documentation according to IECEx OD 017 (see With the documentation duly analyzed and accepted, NCC will confirm the Test Plan and the samples and other information that will be sent to the laboratory;
  5. With the tests carried out and approved, NCC will contact you to schedule the factory audit (if applicable);
  6. With the conformity of the assessments, NCC issues the IECEx certificate, which will be available on the website;
  7. If the manufacturer needs some local certification, all content can be sent to the local certifier to optimize the work;
  8. In cases of type certification, with periodic assessment by the factory, NCC will contact you 6 months before to renew the audit costs and schedule it, for the certificate maintenance;
  9. If, during the term of the certificate, there is a need to revise the product, notify the NCC to proceed with the request;


What is the potential of IECEx Certification?

Obtaining the IECEx certification is considered a “good practice” adopted by several manufacturers of “Ex” electrical, electronic, automation, telecommunications, and mechanical equipment that also intend to export and market their products in other countries within the current international market


Advantages of IECEx Certification:

One of the main benefits of a manufacturer that has IECEx certification is that there is no need to repeat, in different countries where “local” certifications are required for explosive atmospheres, the various assessments and complex laboratory tests already conducted by other “Ex ” Test Laboratories recognized by IECEx, as well as the possibility of optimizing audits based on the ISO/IEC 80079-34 standard.

With the international IECEx certification, the standardization of assessment and testing procedures for certification is ensured based on the convergence of the international standards of the IEC 60079 Series – Explosive Atmospheres.