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Seven steps to Anatel Certification

Seven steps to Anatel Certification

All telecommunications products need to be assessed and, when applicable, have their certification for compulsory homologation with Anatel. Faced with this obligation for the product to be commercialized in the national territory, we at NCC Certifications highlight seven main stages of the Certification process based on type testing that results in the product’s technical compliance and homologation by Anatel.

It is necessary to know some nomenclatures for the correct understanding of the conduct of the process:

Anatel: The National Telecommunications Agency is a special autarchy and regulatory agency for telecommunications.

OCD: Certification Body Designated by Anatel Responsible for conducting the conformity assessment process.

Certificate of Technical Conformity (CCT): a document attesting to the conformity of a given telecommunications product with current regulations, issued by a Designated Certification Body.

Homologation Certification (CH): a document issued by Anatel that materializes the homologation of a given telecommunications product,

Applicant/Requester: individual or legal persons, public or private, who require conformity assessment and homologation, according to this Regulation.

Technology holder/Manufacturer: holder of the technical project.

Manufacturing unit (Production line): a subsidiary company of the manufacturer or outsourced company that manufactures or assembles the product subject to certification.

Based on the above definitions, let’s see the seven steps to certify a telecommunication product.

  1. Interested Party seeks OCD for assessing the product in question; the Applicant/Requester shall send the technical specification of the product he wishes to certify to the OCD. The document shall describe the product’s technical information and its application, power supply, frequency bands, and technology versions.
  2. OCD assessment of the technical specifications received by the interested party, aiming at classifying the product following current regulations; the OCD will assess the technical information and classify the product according to the reference list of products for Telecommunications, ACT No. 7280, and according to the list of technical requirements defined by Anatel.
  3. Issuance of Commercial Proposal; after defining the tests and classification of the product, the costs relating to certification and laboratory tests are presented to the interested party. The interested party will receive instructions on sample quantity and configuration, necessary documentation, as well as instructions for the evolution of the process.
  4. Beginning of the certification process; after approval of the condition offered in the previous item, the interested party will provide the samples and send them to the laboratory he chose. The OCD will instruct the interested party with all the information required by current regulations to identify the sample correctly. In parallel, the OCD will request formal documentation for the process, which shall be provided by the interested party. The necessary documents are available in ACT No. 4084, from Anatel. It is worth remembering that some documents may be additionally requested due to the particularities of the process.
  5. Assessment of test reports and documents received by the interested party; the OCD, having the requested reports and documents, will assess the results obtained in correlation with the applicable rules indicated by Anatel.
  6. Issuance of the Technical Conformity Certificate or Technical Pending Report; once the entire process meets the regulations, the OCD will issue the CCT, thus proving the conformity of the product under assessment. In case of nonconformity, the interested party will receive from the OCD the report resulting from the analysis (technical pending report). The interested party and the manufacturer shall evaluate the corrective measures to meet Anatel’s requirements.
  7. Anatel Homologation

 After issuing the CCT, the OCD will submit the process for analysis by Anatel. The Agency will evaluate and issue the Certificate of Homologation upon documentation approval.


According to ACT 7280, every product certified as described above will result in a periodic assessment that can occur every two or three years. The definition of certificate validity is associated with the interface and operability of the product in question.

For the entire certification process, it will be necessary to present a Management System Assessment of the manufacturing unit. It is worth remembering that the Quality Management System shall provide for the production activity of the product under assessment.

Material subject to amendment(s) in case of change in the ordinance(s). Published: 06.02.21