“5G technology has brought entirely new technical aspects to the air interface”

“5G technology has brought entirely new technical aspects to the air interface”

Leonardo Tozzi Pinheiro, CEO of NCC and Vice President of the Brazilian Association for Conformity Assessment (Abrac), in an interview with Abrac, commented on the #5G technology.

Please read it in full at: https://bit.ly/3DKby1z.

Check out our release at https://tiinside.com.br/04/11/2021/5g-brasil-ja-conta-com-tres-laboratorios-e-17-certificadoras-para-validar-equipamentos/  





Industry projects a 50% increase in product certifications after the 5G auction
Material subject to change(s) in case of change in the ordinance(s). Published: 12.01.21