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NCC’s differential is competence and technical experience in all conformity assessment activities, considering the quality, safety, and performance of Smartworld devices and electronic equipment.


What is the Olga Kos Citizen Scale?

The Olga Kos Citizen Scale (ECOK) is a voluntary certification scheme based on identifying, monitoring, and evaluating how social inclusion is practiced in the labor market. Based on five variables, 20 indicators, and 37 requirements, it evaluates how inclusive a company or public entity is. It aims to contemplate diversity by gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other factor and exclusion.
ECOK is the metric that verifies the S of the ESG, being subject to certification by the Cgcre of INMETRO, in which the methodology was developed by the Olga Kos Institute.
This process helps ensure that the social dimension within companies is based on well-defined metrics.


• Architectural Variable
It refers to eliminating environmental and physical barriers in the different environments and equipment that make up the organization.

• Attitudinal Variable
The Attitudinal Variable refers to the perception of the other without prejudice, stigma, stereotypes, and discrimination in personal and professional relationships within the organization.

• Communication Variable
It refers to eliminating barriers in interpersonal, written, and virtual communication.

• Methodological Variable
This variable refers to eliminating barriers in guidance/instruction present in qualification and training programs involving employees of an organization according to work methods and techniques.

• Programmatic Variable
The programmatic variable of an organization corresponds to the portrayal of its mission, vision, and values.

Process flow

1. Certification Request


2. Critical Analysis of the Request


3. Initial Certification Audit


4. Technical Analysis and Classification Deliberation


5. Data Analysis


6. Assessment


7. Classification

After the steps in the process, it will be possible to assign a level of inclusion represented by the Olga Kos Inclusion Seal (SEIOK). The scheme requires the organization to meet 75% of the scale to receive the seal and certificate. The seal must be requested directly from the Olga Kos Institute, the scheme’s owner.

Source: IOK Research Department, 2021.


Level I – Latent Inclusive Potential
At this level, the proposal is in its initial phase, there may be a perception and need for change, but there are no signs of inclusive culture and/or actions. The validity of the seal is one (1) year.

Level II – Emerging Inclusive Potential
At this level, recognized inclusive purposes, values, and objectives are in the initial implementation phase. The validity of the seal is one (1) year.

Level III – Inclusive Orientation
At this level, inclusive policies and actions are identified that are accepted and implemented by a large part of the organization. The validity of the seal is one (1) year.

Level IV – Fully Inclusive
At this level, inclusive policies and actions are consolidated, implemented, and monitored and are part of a continuous improvement cycle.

Issuance of the SEIOK Certificate

Five stars will represent organizations that reach the fully inclusive level, leading the organization to grant certification through the NCC Certificate, valid for one (1) year, as well as the right to use SEIOK. An NCC certificate will only be issued if reached level IV on the citizen scale.


ECOK recertification is not automatic, and the request for recertification is the responsibility of the organization that owns the ECOK. Therefore, it will be up to this organization to contact NCC for a new evaluation process.

Benefits of the Olga Kos Inclusion Seal
The following benefits of the seal can be listed:

  • Promote commitment, primarily with social responsibility;
  • Contribute from a management method to ensure the continuous improvement of the development of the company or organization regarding the inclusion of people in the most different diversities;
  • Decrease controls and evaluations by Stakeholders;
  • Face the competition;
  • Improve the image of the organization and its products or activities with its customers;
  • Ensure that the product, service, or system meets standards;
  • Make the organization highly competitive with products in compliance with technical standards and act strongly on meritocracy.