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NCC’s differential is competence and technical experience in all conformity assessment activities, considering the quality, safety, and performance of Smartworld devices and electronic equipment.


NCC has a team with the recognized technical, administrative, and operational capacity to implement and conduct the certification of telecommunications products, supporting the processes conduction with essential information to guarantee compliance with the rules issued or accepted by Anatel in an uncomplicated and agile way, ensuring commercial representatives and manufacturers that their products are assessed according to the requirements established by Anatel (National Agency of Telecommunications – Brazil), acquiring complete access to the Brazilian market, with identification of Anatel homologation.

Anatel’s homologation of products subject to mandatory certification is a prerequisite for commercialization and use in the country.

The list of telecommunications products subject to Anatel homologation can be found on the Agency’s website:

Some of the products/family of products subject to certification are: antennas, energy accumulators, coaxial cables, optical cables and optical fibers, cables for data transmission, telephone cables, chargers for cell phones, lithium batteries for cell phones, femtocell, earth station modem, radar, cellular mobile phone, restricted radiation transceiver, telephone line alarm, subscriber phone, among others.

Telecommunication product: Equipment, appliance, device, or element that makes up a necessary or sufficient means for telecommunication.

Among the products subject to certification, we have:
• Terminal equipment intended for use by the general public to access telecommunications services of collective interest, such as, for example, cell phones, tablets (access terminal station), etc.

• Equipment using the radio spectrum for signal transmission, including antennas and those characterized, in specific regulations, as radio communication equipment with restricted radiation, such as products that have Bluetooth technology, Wi-Fi, such as mouse wireless, car key, wireless keyboard, as well as a drone, radar, TV repeater, etc.

• In addition to products whose regulation is necessary:
a) the guarantee of interoperability of the support networks for telecommunications services,
b) the reliability of the support networks for telecommunications services, or
c) the guarantee of electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety. For example, coaxial cable, optical fiber cable, OPGW cable, data network equipment, network interconnection equipment, data multiplexes, among others.

Click on the link below and access the NCC certification scope:NCC act alt site 6 6 11 scope (

Products certified by NCC are updated and available through the Anatel website:


Step by step (Macro) based on current Anatel regulations:

  1. The certification applicant sends the product’s technical specification to OCD;
  2. The OCD assesses whether or not the product is subject to approval. Being subject to homologation, the next steps are followed:
  3. The OCD generates the Technical Requirement for the product and requests a quote from laboratories authorized by Anatel to conduct the tests;
  4. The OCD generates a commercial proposal for the applicant;
  5. The applicant approves OCD’s commercial proposal;
  6. The applicant approves LAB commercial proposal (if applicable);
  7. The applicant receives information on sending samples to laboratories, list of documents and information required for each type of specific telecommunication product;
  8. The OCD assesses the technical conformity of the product (test reports, documents, and information applicable to the particular product) and issues a technical opinion [Technical Conformity Certificate or Technical Pending Report];
  9. The OCD submits documents in Anatel’s computerized system;
  10. The Anatel assess the process. If in compliance, it issues a Certificate of Homologation and from this moment on, the product can be marketed and/or used in the national territory.
  11. Maintenance for Certification-based compliance mode:
  • • Certification based on Type Test with Periodic Assessment of the Product and Manufacturing Management System every two (2) years; and
  • • Certification based on Type Test with Periodic Assessment of the Product and Manufacturing Management System every three (3) years.
  1. Suspension and Cancellation, according to Section VI – Suspension and Cancellation of the Certificate of Conformity – Resolution No. 715 of

“Article 52. The Certificate of Conformity may be suspended in the following cases:

I – the interested party does not make the adaptations to the certified product, determined as a result of the alteration or edition of the Technical Standards that apply to it;

II – the interested party fails to comply with the clauses of the follow-up contract for the periodic assessment of the product or the maintenance of the manufacturer’s Management System, established with the Designated Certification Body, after the certification of the product for telecommunications;

III – the interested party uses the Certificate of Conformity to disclose product characteristics that have not been subject to assessment;

IV – the interested party uses any form of promotional disclosure of the certification that allows third parties to be persuaded that a product other than the one effectively certified has been certified;

V – the periodic maintenance of the product’s certification is not verified under the conditions established in this Regulation, for a period exceeding one hundred and eighty (180) days or until the Maintenance verification, whichever occurs first;

VI – by Anatel determination, when verifying irregularities related to the product for telecommunications certification; or,

VII – at the holder’s request.

Article 53. After one hundred and eighty (180) days have elapsed since the suspension of the Certificate of Conformity without verifying the correction of the nonconformities that caused it or without presenting a justification duly accepted by the Designated Certification Body, the Certificate of Conformity shall be canceled.

Single paragraph. The head provision does not apply when dealing with the hypothesis described in item VII of art. 52 of this Regulation.

Article 54. The Designated Certification Body shall inform Anatel and the Certification Applicant, in the homologation process records, of its decisions to suspend or cancel the Certificate of Conformity, at which time said process will return to the Agency, which may countersign the body’s act, suspending or revoking the certificate of homologation, or even requesting additional clarification.”



General Information: The assessment procedures, rules, and procedures for granting, maintaining, extending, or reducing the scope, suspending, canceling, or refusing certification can be found in the following Anatel documents:




  • General acts applicable to the certification and homologation process (procedural rules):

    • Act No. 4091, of July 31, 2020  Operating Procedure for Selection, Assessment and Qualification of Testing Laboratories for the Purposes of Assessing the Conformity of Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4088, of July 31, 2020 –  Operating Procedure for Marking Anatel Homologation Identification on Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4085, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure for Professional Recognition as Specialist in the Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4084, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure for Homologation of the Certificate of Conformity for Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4083, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure for Assessing the Conformity of Telecommunications Products per Certification.
    • Act No. 4082, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure that Establishes the Means of Exercise of Rights and Fulfillment of Obligations by Agents Involved in the Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4081, of July 31, 2020  – Operating Procedure for Designating a Certification Body for Telecommunications Products.
    • Act No. 4077, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure for Technical Change in a Telecommunications Product Homologated by Certificate of Conformity or Declaration of Conformity, in the form of the Annex to this Act.




  • Rights and Duties of applicants and customers: as set out in ANNEX TO ACT No. 4082, OF JULY 31, 2020 – OPERATING PROCEDURE THAT ESTABLISHES THE MEANS OF EXERCISE OF RIGHTS AND FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS BY AGENTS INVOLVED IN THE CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS –  This operating procedure establishes the means of exercising rights and fulfilling obligations, as provided for in articles 1921 e 57, , paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Regulation for the Assessment of Conformity and Homologation of Telecommunications Products, approved by Resolution No. 715, of October 23, 2019, especially concerning the responsibilities and relationship between Designated Certification Bodies, Testing Laboratories, and Applicants for conformity assessment and homologation.


    • Resolution No. 715/2019 – Regulation of Conformity Assessment and Homologation of Telecommunications Products.


    • Act No. 4082, of July 31, 2020 – Operating Procedure that Establishes the Means of Exercise of Rights and Fulfillment of Obligations by Agents Involved in the Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Products.


Information about procedures for handling complaints and appeals: PAA_004 – Complaints and Appeals